Worried About How a Remodel Will Affect Your Daily Routine?
Christi & Brandon have had water issues in their 1960’s basement, and just this year have decided to remodel their basement with Mega Remodel. They decided to install drain tile, refresh the recreational room, and rearrange the laundry room to create a more functional and efficient space.
However, one of their worries was the important question that all homeowners have when they are considering a remodel. How will it affect my current daily routine? In this case, an important part of Christi’s routine is working out at least 3 times a week in the basement. With the remodel work happening, she wondered if she would be able to continue her workouts.
The answer? Mega Remodel understands. They made arrangements to work around the equipment because what is important to you, is important to them. Christi’s pedal exercise machine remains accessible to her throughout the entirety of the remodel even if that means looking at a block wall during workouts, because Mega Remodel makes it work!
“Mega Remodel listened to our preferences and design aesthetics at the beginning and made all of the little decisions for us. It was wonderful. Best of all, Meg made sure her subcontractors also knew what was important to us, so I always had access to my bike so I could keep up my exercise routine even as the work was underway.”
– Christi
The project is currently underway with a projected completion date in late November 2019. Stay tuned for more updates and a final reveal of their new basement!